Grass Carp on the Fly
Been trying to get a grass carp to take a fly all spring in the lake where I live. I caught a couple last fall on acorn flies, but hadn't gotten any to take any bugs or creature flies. Finally got one to take a black leech-like fly with an orange mop piece tail. Took me about 15 minutes to land it. Thankfully someone came walking by and retrieved my net for me, so I wouldn't have to go near the dock and risk getting tangled. Right at 30" or so. Here's the fly it took, after the catch and release. Articulated shank in front of the hook with dumbbell eyes. Hook is size 6 scud hook, mop tied on and black ice dub over the front. Articulated shank is wrapped with black zonker up to the eyes, and then black ice dub to form the head.